Personality Development
There is always a scope for improvement and there is no ‘perfect’ personality.
Have you ever held yourself back from raising your hand in class despite knowing the answer? Or felt nervous to speak up in a group of people? A Personality Development course will help you overcome everything that is stopping you from becoming the ‘best you’!
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Investing in developing your personality will be fruitful regardless of whether you have been in such situations. Why? Because there is always a scope for
improvement and there’s no ‘perfect’ personality. This course will help you
become more confident and be strongly prepared to deal with challenges in your personal and professional life.
Areas of concentration in this course will be:
Mental growth
Social growth
Spiritual growth
Emotional growth
Physical growth
What you’ll learn:
How to work on Emotional Pain and Frustration by discovering emotions
Gain mastery of one’s own emotional healthGain knowledge of what drives motivation
How behaviors of others and yours are interconnected
How self-image is an important and determining factor in your personality
Unleash your hidden potential
Introductions to personality.
Influences on personality development.
Social development.
The acquisition of behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes.
The psychology of attachments, aggression, and altruism.